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Forced ventilation system


Cros cut 1 e1568108045508

Cross-cut of forced ventilation system (with air flows).

one layer box 1 e1568108207428
One layer ventilation boxes in front of the drying wall.
example box 2 e1568108151418
Example box for drying
venilacion system 1 e1568108244466
Ventilation system for boxes.
boxes in fronf 1 e1568108110207
Boxes in front of ventilation system.
cross section 2 e1568108130121

Cross sections of boxes drying/storage.

vent system 2 e1568108264911

Ventilation system for drying and storage in boxes.

overview 1 e1568108223265
Overview drying boxes stacked on each other.
ventilacion per box 1 e1568108284861
Ventilation per box level individually.
fan in 2 e1568108172418
Fan in ventilation system with slanted wall.
inside of 2 e1568108193839

Inside of ventilation system.